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Published by Code Hacker | Went live on 17th December 1997 | Revised - 9th February 2021
Code Hacker is a software development website used for the development and testing of applications as well as software development reference. The development environment consists of ASP.NET, C#, AJAX, iTextSharp, jQuery, SQL Server, QUnit, and now jQWidgets. This template is composed of Bootstrap and jQWidget Template Builder.
Definition of Code Hacker
Code - the symbolic arrangement of statements or instructions in a computer program in which letters, digits, etc. are represented as binary numbers; the set of instructions in such a program.
Hacker - one who is proficient at using or programming a computer - a computer buff.
We are not a Cracker site. This is the definition of a Cracker:
'A cracker is someone who breaks into someone else's computer system, often on a network; bypasses passwords or licenses in computer programs; or in other ways intentionally breaches computer security. A cracker can be doing this for profit, maliciously, for some altruistic purpose or cause, or because the challenge is there. Some breaking-and-entering has been done ostensibly to point out weaknesses in a site's security system.' -- Definition from Whatis.com
It appears that the crackers did not like this name because people thought that they lived in Georgia or Florida. So they called themselves hackers, but they are still crackers.
Software Development
Software development and testing includes:
- .NET Core Applications
- ABCpdf Applications
- ASP.NET Applications
- iTextSharp Applications
- jQuery Applications
- Mobile Applications
- SQL Server Applications
The current development environment is Visual Studio 2019, .NET Core 3.1, Framework 4.8, and SQL Server 2019.
It is best to use Microsoft Edge to browse this website. Other browsers may not work due to Microsoft's new .NET design features.
We are receiving a lot of emails from beginning web developers that want to obtain the source code for the JavaScript, jQuery, and jQWidgets examples.
All you need to do is click on 'View Source' from your browser to see the source code for these examples.
The recent website design overhaul is now using a Bootstrap theme. Also, this theme was modified to include the jQWidgets components using jQWidgets' Theme Builder.
Bootstrap is an open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for forms, buttons, typography, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
It was very easy to add the jQWidgets components to this Bootstrap template.
QUnit is a powerful JavaScript unit testing framework. It's used by the jQuery, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code.
[ see examples ]
Code Hacker is no longer supporting Internet Explorer. Please upgrade your Internet Explorer browser to the latest version so that your internet browsing may be an enjoyable one.
Bing.com now has the best internet search engine for searching the internet. This search engine gives a true picture of what is on the internet which produces very reliable search results.
There was a time many years ago that Google was the only search engine that could perform this feat. But over time, Google's greed has caught up with them and now their searches are very biased and do not represent true reliable search results.
Bing.com now has a rewards program that rewards you for your searches. If you spend a lot of time searching the internet, then Bing.com wants to reward you.
Sign up and give them a test drive today!
A lot of emails have been coming in with this common question - How come your chapter titles on your iTextSharp web page do not match the chapter titles from Bruno Lowagie's book iText in Action?
Well dear coders, the answer is simple. Bruno's first publication was so successful that he released a second publication. Our code is based on his first publication.
Please purchase this book if you want to master PDF document creation. We do not have the time to answer the emails that keep coming in about how this PDF method works or how to perform a specific PDF modification.
Bruno has done an excellent job in explaining PDF document creation and manipulation. You should be able to master PDF documents by simply reading his book and examining the source code on our iTextSharp web page. Because after all, it is Bruno's source code translated to C#.
[ see examples ]
If you enjoy programming microcontrollers, then check out the Basic Stamp and Javelin Stamp Software Application section.
[ see examples ]
We have been using iTextSharp for on-the-fly PDF document creation. However, we had a couple of clients that needed more advanced PDF documents and the ability to convert these PDF documents into different formats such as TIFF and Microsoft Word. We tested over ten products and then decided to go with ABCpdf. We really like what this .NET component can do!
Check out the ABCpdf Development section for examples.
[ see examples ]
We have recently discovered jQWidgets and have we been blown away! Their jquery components are the best we have ever seen!
The jQWidgets component examples are the best. Don't know how to code a component? Look at the examples. You can tell that the developers at jqWidgets take pride in their components by the examples on their website. And if you still have problems, then their community site is great at helping solve your problem. Also, check out their pricing.
We are so impressed with these components that we are using them on our website.
[ see examples ]

How you doing bro? Me - 10 Mins ago

How do you do? David - 9 Mins ago

Thank you for asking Me - 8 Mins ago

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